Same Day Shipment Guarantee

All orders placed by 6:00 p.m. EST will ship that same day.

Electronic Order Confirmation

Every order shipmentis confirmed by e-mail or electronic fax to the person placing the order, usually within minutes of when it was received.

Integration with your Shopping Cart

This valuable online tool serves internal and external customers; it accepts orders directly from customers or dealers, or it can be set up as the client’s internal order entry system.

Detailed Reporting Functions

Over 80 standard reports are available pertaining to inventory status, reorder points, lead times, freight costs, or sales by region/rep/dealer.

Maintenance of Sales Lead and Customer Databases

Detailed database management is available for all of our clients.

Incoming Telemarketing Capabilities

Our experienced personnel can handle telephone sales inquiries to cost-effectively supplement your own processes for generating sales leads.

Integration With Client’s Accounting and Marketing Departments

We are highly experienced in all phases of client system integration, from VMI purchasing programs to direct billing and reporting functionality tied back to the client’s A/R department.

Project Assembly Capabilities

Efficient, on-site assembly teams are available to perform a variety of special projects including collations, mailings, labeling and distributions.